You will need:
A large butternut squash
100g couscous/quinoa (per person)
Veg (own choice)
goats cheese (optional)
Olive oil
Salt and pepper (to taste)
- Pre-heat the oven to 200°C
- Cut the butternut squash in half down the middle, scoop out the seeds and score with a sharp knife
- sprinkle with salt, pepper and drizle with olive oil
- Bake in the over at 200°C for 40-50 minutes
- Cook the couscous or quinoa according to packet instructions (If it is plain then flavour with a stock cube and dash of lemon juice)
- Add veg of choice to the couscous or quinoa
When the butternut squash looks cooked all the way though (notice the change in colour) then place an even layer of couscous along the butter nut squash, sprinkle with cheese (optional) and grill on a medium heat for 10 minutes. Enjoy! Cassidy xx